November 12, 2008

Linux (Ubuntu Flavor)

Linux (Ubuntu)
Manufacturer (Developer): Canonical Ltd.

I won't get into the entire background of Linux of Ubuntu as you can read just about everything you want to know as far as that goes at the Wikipedia Ubuntu article. That and there are far too many features for me to discuss to hit all of the basics.

Ubuntu is a 'flavor' of Linux which a completely free-of-charge operating system. By making use of non-proprietary filetypes such as Ogg Vorbis for audio instead of MP3 the OS is free and so are tens of thousands of programs to enhance your experience using Ubuntu.

I was tired of my PC not working as it should under Windows. Programs not responding then crashing, my PC taking 5+ minutes to boot up, constant virus corruption despite running several anti-virus programs and countless other problems. I had been thinking of switching to Linux for years but was unsure about it. 2 months ago, after much research, I decided to go to Linux and picked Ubuntu which is one of the most popular flavors of the OS.

You can download the Ubuntu OS .iso file from the official Ubuntu site and burn it to a boot cd. A great feature is that if you want to test the operating system before committing it to your harddrive you can actually run the operating system from the cd with it in your CD-rom/DVD-rom drive. Please note that since everything is running from your CD drive that it will run a little more slowly than from your harddrive.

If/when you decide to load Ubuntu on your harddrive you have several options. Two of which are: you can load Ubuntu and have it delete Windows off your harddrive and run solely with Ubuntu. Or you can load it alongside of another operating system. With this option a black screen pops up whenever your computer boots up and shows each OS choice on your harddrive. You then select which one you want to use and your PC will boot up using that OS. I decided to do a dual boot just in case I have a program that absolutely requires Windows to run then I can boot to Windows then reboot to go back to Ubuntu. But to make that story shorter...I am just about to remove Windows completely from my system.

I'll make it known that my PC's specs are dramtically lacking at this time but with Ubuntu my system can barely feel it. Boot up time has dropped from 5+ minutes to approximately 15-20 seconds. Each launched program is ready for use in mere seconds. It breathed new life into my PC which Windows had lead me to believe I would have to scrap soon.

Ubuntu uses the Gnome desktop environment which makes it a fairly easy transition from a Windows system to Ubuntu. Gnome itself is completely free software which is why it is used with Linux and it keeps everything very user-friendly and unparalled control over content, programs and data for users and developers. And when developers have more control then we, the users, benefit from it as well.

The desktop itself features a small bar at the top and bottom. By default the 'system tray' date and clock are located on the top bar while the bottom bar which will have the icons for open programs, a button which allows you to minimize every window (yes, still refered to as a window which isn't because that's what Microsoft wanted to call them) with a single click of the button, a trash can button which allows you to view/empty your trash can (of course the equivalent of Windows' Recycle Bin) and a feature which allows you to basically have two different desktops you can switch between at will. I haven't used that feature all-too-frequently but it sure is there for when I want/need to use it.

Because Linux is open-source it means that it is free and users are allowed to distribute the code for free but they are allowed (more like encouraged) to hack the code. To improve the code. To add more code for more funcionalities. And this leads to non-programming users such as myself to benefit from even more awesome features which can be downloaded for absolutely no cost!

There is that breed of computer user that believes that all information and code should be available for free. Those users that also have programming skills will spend their personal time creating new options, features and functionality which they will then offer for free.

I use programs on Linux which make available all of the high-end features that Windows-based programs will charge upwards of hundreds of dollars for you to use. I've found comparable if not better programs available for Linux for absolutely free! Linux has a small program that searches for available add on programs/features which are placed into categories. You can select as many as you want, click a button and the program will download all necessary components that your system may not already have on it which are needed to run that program.

That program was added because one thing that kept Linux usable only for the computer-savvy and programming knowledgeable as different packages had to be downloaded (you had do know what they all were and where to get them), where to put them on your system, know how to use a terminal to 'activate' the package on your system and then the program was ready to use. Now you simply click a couple buttons and it is all done for you.

And another thing that drove me from Windows was that all of my external drives were throwing up errors. My brand new USB2.0 DVD/CD Rewriter would write to a disc but then couldn't verify the data after the burn. And while testing to see if they would still work in the cd player/dvd player and the player would only read ERROR. My digital camera couldn't get my images to my PC and have the files be readable. Now with Ubuntu I plug in an external device and a icon for it will appear on the desktop which will allow instant access to that drive. The icon stays until you send it to the trash and/or remove the drive from the USB port. Now my DVD's and CD's burn quickly and correctly every time. Windows' supposedly superior plug-n-play seemed to have gotten outplayed.

A great security feature of Ubuntu (and most, if not all, Linux distributions) is that you are prompted for the administrator password for any changes to the system that require administrator-level access. When adding new programs and setting up new packages you will be prompted for the administrator password in order to make the changes to the system. Therefore any virus/trojan/malware that would try to make changes at the deepest levels of your system will not run because they cannot do this in a covert manner.

So how does a company that releases an operating system for free make money, you ask? Quite simply they sell their customer support. I've had to remind people that groaned that support wasn't free from the company when it generally is from Windows. That is because you've already paid Microsoft somewhere around $200+ dollars. You paid nothing for the software. So you would still save money even if you bought their support.

But luckily since most Ubuntu users believe in the code of all things available for free you will find ample support online for any question you might have without being made to feel like a moron. The people are thankful for a free operating system that works and they want the experience to be just as enjoyable for all other users that may not have as much knowledge at the start.

So in summation: if you like an operating system that is fast, secure, safe with extreme functionality then you've stumbled upon a goldmine. There are so many features which I couldn't hit due to the need to eat and occasionally take a walk outside but I tried to hit as many of the most important ones that I could. You would find out very quickly just how useful it is for you.

Welcome to the wonderful world of (Open Source) free!

Getting Reviewed!

Note: While these reviews cover technological/electronic items please note that web site services and software do not have to be technology/electronics based. Since web sites run on servers and are viewed with a computer and software also runs on a computer, they can be about any topic.

You may E-mail me @ christophermichaelsnyder(at)gmail(dot)com if you have an item that you would like to have reviewed.

What do you get with a review? You get an image of the product (or screenshot for software or a Web site) at the top righthand side of the review. There will be a link to the company site or your personal site depending on who has created/programmed/released the reviewed product. I will offer links where the product can be purchased. Normally I included a link/image from my affiliate account but I will not do so if it is stated in the terms that you want only other purchase avenues made available. You get the feedback of my review. You get the promotion of my review. And you can read any comments left by readers of the review which could be potential feedback to help you see how others feel about your product. And you may link/use this review as you see fit as either a testimonial or another form of promotion if you see fit. Also, each post (review) in this blog is individual submitted to several blogzines, wikizines amnd blog directories which help increase visibility.

I will review items based upon firsthand experience or internet research.

Now my reviews are actual blog posts where I discuss my personal experiences with the item being reviewed. With internet research I look up all relevant information that I can including any online ratings and reviews from others that have firsthand experience. But with that I am able to report only what others have said and give an overall consensus. I cannot give specifics. Such as with hands-on experience I may mention a "negative" about a product but list why I consider it a negative and that many/most other people will not be affected by it or it may even be a positive for them. I never give cookiecutter responses such as "this sucks" or "this is awesome". I report why certain features are viewed by me as negatives and positives. A review done by internet research does not allow me to do that. A particular user may post in a blurb online that they disliked a feature. But we know nothing of them or why that was viewed as negative to them.

So firsthand experience is highly preferred. Here is some info regarding helping me give your review the personal touches gained from firsthand experience.

Devices/Products: You can E-mail me at the address posted above for directions on getting something to me to test. This will allow me to use the product and test all the features so that I can report fully on my experience. Whether it is a 'loaner' and we make plans for me to get it back to you or it is for me to keep I will use the product until I feel that I can give the best overall review possible.

Software: Contact me at the E-mail address posted above to tell me about the software you want reviewed. Let me know where I can download it or if it is available only by disc, I will direct you on how to get it to me. If your software has a registration process by which some features are disabled or it is in some other way impaired you can decide whether to allow me to 'unlock' the software or not. If not then I will mention other options that are available if the product is registered but will not be able to give the personal experience.

Web site/Digital Service: Contact me at the E-mail address posted above to tell me about your site and where it is located (URL). If your site has a registration process I will gladly go through it. In the event that the site has a paid membership which unlocks more features, if possible, you can give me access to that until I notify you that your review has been posted. At that point you can let me retain access or remove my paid membership privaleges. I can write a review without the paid membership access but I will be able to only mention other features and not give the personal experience.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that doing any of the above things do not guarantee a positive review. Whatever product/service/access you are providing for me to review isn't a "gift" to get you a 100% positive review. Unless, of course, your product is deserving of a 100% positive review.

In order for each review to hold any merit all products must be weighed/judged the same way. Even reviews that are paid for through a service such as PayPerPost will be scrutinized and a truthful and completely honest review will be rendered. Any submitter that has too little confidence in their product and would offer any 'gift' to influence my review will be denied. I would mention the 'positives' because they are accurate and correct. I would mention the negatives. And anyone that wants any negative not mentioned should look elsewhere.

But for anyone that wants to see how negatives are mentioned and handled, feel free to read through other posts.

Thank you for your interest in adding to this service!

November 11, 2008

SanDisk Sansa MP3 Player

SanDisk Sansa e280 MP3 Player
Manufacturer: SanDisk
MSRP: $149.99

Please note that some of the specs may be specific to this particular unit but most Sansa units have similar options. The major difference between individual units is the on-board memory
the player has.


  • 8 Gig flash memory for file storage
  • 1.8” TFT color screen
  • Durable metal alloy casing in the back
  • MicroSD slot for additional space with cards
  • FM Tuner
  • Allows you to record FM broadcasts and voice recordings

To start, the Sansa allows you to listen to MP3 (audio) and video clips which is limited only by the amount of memory. The Sansa was one of the first MP3 players to feature the video option which was later added to newer iPod units after Sansa was released.

This particular unit was released for connectivity to RealNetworks Rhapsody service which, with a paid subscription, will allow you to put an unlimited amount of songs (again limited only by memory space) from any/all artists listed on the Rhapsody service. This can be helpful for your computer's harddrive as you do not have to have the phsysical MP3 file on your computer. The songs will be transfered directly from Rhapsody to your Sansa player. The package comes with the Rhapsody software. You can still use the Sansa without Rhapsody if you decide against using the service.

In order for your Sansa player to connect to Rhapsody properly you will need Windows XP. Since I've abandoned Windows altogether I connect my Sansa player to my PC and transfer the MP3 files directly to the player which is available whether or not you use the Rhapsody service.

You can also transfer Rhapsody channels to your Sansa player if you choose to make use of the service.

I do not use the FM option too often but I get relatively decent reception in most areas. The ability to record FM broadcasts is great should you hear a song you want to record especially if you aren't sure of the song/artist at the time you are hearing it.

The Sansa player allows you to view photos and video with its screen. One thing that can be a slight pain is that all video and image files need to be converted with software and transferred to your player with the converter program to be viewed on the player. But the process does not take too long. I do not use it all that often for video or photos but the option is there for those that would find it even more useful. It is great to have those options!

As far as the mp3 player options go it separates the files into categories by artist, album, etc and offers the option to "Play All" files and it will start with the first track and continue through all of the files you have on your player.

The sound is great! Especially if you use great headphones. The headphones that come with the player work extremely well and I find that Skull Candy Earbuds make the Sansa sound amazing!

The case itself is well made especially with the metal alloy backing. Unfortunately my player has suffered a few drops and falls but still works as well as the day that I bought it.

The lithium ion battery has a good charge lifespan. You can charge it with a wall unit or leave it connected to your computer through it's USB connector to charge the unit.

The player itself features a raised plastic flywheel somewhat similar to the iPod but I find that the texture of the wheel makes it easier for me to manipulate the iPod's although that may be debateable by other users. The front also features a play/pause, back and forward and list button surrounding the flywheel.

The player includes a mic at the top for voice recordings and a lock slider to lock the player during use which is very useful if you stow your player in a pocket while you move around. It keeps the buttons from operating the player such as accidentally skipping to the next track in the middle of a song you are listening to.

There are many peripherals you can purchase for use with the Sansa player. The intial package comes with a travel pouch to carry it in, a lanyard, stereo headphones and the Rhapsody software disc.

I've been pleased with my Sansa player from the day I bought it!

Buy it!

Sony PSP (PlayStation Portable)

Sony PSP (PlayStation Portable)
Manufacturer: Sony
MSRP: $169.99 (Core System)

This review is based upon the 3000 system which is also referred to as PSP "Slim" due to it's thinner profile. The 2000 is .9 inches thick while the "slim" is .9 inches thick. Due to the 3000 being the second generation of PSP some features/specs will be different so bear this in mind if you are looking at a 2000.

The list of specs/features is massive so I will list those that I feel are most important but feel free to check out the entire specs list here.

Specs & Features:

  • Screen - 4.3 inch 16:9 (Widescreen) Display
  • Speakers: Built-in stereo speakers
  • Wireless LAN (Wifi) for internet access
  • Built-in internet browser
  • USB 2.0 connection to PC
  • ProDuo stick memory slot (for game saves/video/audio/images)
  • Uses UMD (Universal Media Discs) for games and movies

The basic core unit is a sleek black as pictured above. Sony sells special units with games (and sometimes movies in the packs) which come with a limited edition colored unit. Such as the white Star Wars unit I purchased.

Let's start with the most important item...the games. Being a portable version of PlayStation the games are essential. Many releases for the standard consoles are ported for play on the PSP. Now many of the games could be considered a "watered-down" version of the full console version. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing. Due to lower onboard memory and the fact that the PSP has fewer buttons than the standard PS controller (only two top buttons instead of 4 and one joystick as opposed to two) which limits movement options to some degree it is understandable that this is the case.

However, most games I have played offer great playability and re-playability. They did not skimp on the graphics which can be displayed by the unit which can also play a hand in overall game size. Sound and video is comparable to those found on a full console PS played on an LCD television.

But the PSP also features games which are developed exclusively for the system which obviously would require a PSP to experience.

The PSP also allows you to watch movies. You will experience a great picture along with stereo sound whether you use the built-in speakers, stereo headphones or an additional 'theater' made for the PSP (will be discussed in further detail shortly). Movies come on UMDs which can be bought in stores and online. They feature DVD-like menus and many offer bonus features also like a DVD. You can also load MP4 encoded movies onto a ProDuo memory stick via computer which will also look stunning (this may be limited to how the original video was encoded but has no reflection upon the PSP itself).

The PSP allows you to play music (MP3 and other codecs) files which you can store on a memory stick from your computer. You will be able to hear your songs in beautiful stereo.

And with the PSPs Wi-Fi connection you can access the internet anywhere there is wireless access. I have a wireless router set up in my apartment to share my cable internet connection throughout my apartment. The PSP has its own built-in browser so that you can check e-mail and visit sites. Many popular sites feature a WAP (mobile) version which will load more quickly in mobile devices but may limit some functionality. There are a lot of things I wouldn't do online with my PSP that I would from my PSP as even typing text is a little more time consuming than I would like as you have to scroll around and click the X button to enter each letter. I am looking/waiting for a USB keyboard I can plug into the PSPs USB port which would greatly alleviate this annoyance. But the ability to connect to the 'net in a library/restaurant/caffe that has WiFi access is quite handy.

Sony's official site (linked at the top of this review) offers firmware updates to add new features and fix bugs in the software that operates the PSP which can be downloaded to your PSP when connected through a proper USB cable.

There is a wide array of peripherals and add-on hardware available for purchase to use with your PSP. Some examples include: the theater I mentioned early which allows you to plug the PSP in and normally connects directly to the sound port to amplified stereo speakers to make it louder and will hold the PSP at the optimal viewing angle. There are cables to allow you to connect your PSP to any HD television so you can watch movies and play yours games on a big-screen TV. You can even change a setting that shuts off the PSPs display when connected to a television so that it's much like playing a standard PS console where the PSP acts as the console and the controller. You can check out Sony's official site for the PSP and various retail stores and Web sites for more peripherals that can greatly add more enjoyment of your system.

I love my PSP as it allows me to do most of the things I may want to do at a moments notice all in one portable unit. Sure you will get a larger viewing screen with a portable DVD player, more playing features for audio with an MP3 player, more features in a console gaming system and a more fully-featured wireless internet experience with a laptop. But the ability to do any of these anywhere at a moments notice with one unit is fantastic.

Another great idea is to purchase a refurbished unit. This is my second PSP (my first was a 2000 shortly after the initial release of the system which unfortunately met its untimely demise during a horrible ranch dressing incident) and bother were refurbs. They are put back to factory shape/settings and most of them come with at least a 30-day guarantee. This option is great as I paid only $150 for my slim (3000) unit which was $75 off of my particular unit's original price.

I rate this device highly as it brings me so many hours of entertainment in many forms!

Buy it!

November 10, 2008

LG GE20LU10 DVD/CD Rewriter Drive

LG GE20LU10 DVD/CD Rewriter Drive
Manufacturer: LG Electronics
MSRP: $99.95

• 20x External DVD Rewriter
• IBM and Mac Compatible
• Compatible with all current Standard Disc Formats
• DVD±R 20x Burning Speed
• USB Interface
• SecurDisc™ Feature
• Lightscribe Disc Labeling

What this drive boils down to for me is speedy burning on just about any format disc I have available!

I haven't yet purchased DVD media that allows 20X speeds but hey, the option is there for when I decide to go that route. But for now, in all honesty, the drive burns quickly enough even 16X DVDs. And burning CDs at 52X makes it a cinch to burn a small stack in a very short period of time.

The USB 2.0 interface is lightning-quick and more-or-less allowed me to "plug-n-play" in mere minutes.

Yes. This drive works on Windows and Macs. And despite what the Mac and Windows commercials would have you believe, there are other operating systems. Not only does this drive work seamlessly for me on Linux (Ubuntu) but I used the drive to rapidly create my Linux LiveDisc to boot to and install Linux on my box.

Initially, I thought I was unhappy with this drive and it would have received a negative review however it turns out that the constant problems I had been experiencing were due to my buggy Windows install. Each disc would still burn quickly no matter what format disc but it was always unable to verify the burn and the disc wouldn't play in CD players or DVD players (according to the format of the disc of course). But I have had no problems at all after switching my OS.

LightScribe is a great added feature which allows you to flip the disc over to the top side in the drive and burn a 'silkscreen' image label as opposed to printing an image onto an adhesive paper label and applying it to the top of the disc. The LightScribe install allows you to create the label in a manner similar to most image editing programs that are frequently used. This does require specific LightScribe media which will cost a little more per disc but personally I find the slight extra expense to be worth it.

And as with many other drives the GE20 allows multi-session burning where you can use a disc that you've burned but can also add more data to it (EG: more songs, more files you want backed up) until you finalize the disc. After which no further burning is possible.

All-in-all I give this drive high marks for features, ease-of-use and the price.

For more specs such as what media can be used with the drive, please check the product's official site and click on the "Specifications" tab (next to the "Key Features" tab) in the box towards the bottom of the page. It will show the read and write speeds for each type of media available for use with this drive as well as overall transfer speeds over the USB2.0 connection.

Buy it!

Sentry HO800 Wireless Headphones

Manufacturer: Sentry Industries

I purchased one of the units for my band to use while we record in the studio. And we were thoroughly impressed with the quality of this product.

• Headphones with Wireless Transmitter
• Signal Broadcasts Up to 100 Feet
• Soft Ear Pads & Headband
• LED Power Indicator
• Rotary Volume Control
• Listen to Any Audio Device
• All Cables Included
• Signal Passes through Walls & Doors

The two-pack consists of the wireless transmitter and one pair of headphones both of which are pictured above.

The transmitter unit is powered by one 9-volt battery and the headphones and powered by 2 AAA batteries. This makes this unit 100% portable without needing an external power source for the transmitter.

Both pieces are extremely light. For the size of the headphones they are light and comfortable. And the 2 AAA batteries that power the headphones do not add to the weight. The headphones were comfortable for the hours straight I was using them in the studio.

The transmitter has an on/off switch and LED light to show its status. It has an antenna which you can position for best coverage.

The headphones have a battery compartment in the left earcup and the right earcup features an on button, an off button, and LED light to indicate whether the headset is on or off and a rotary dial which allows you to control the volume for the headset itself. The power buttons can help lengthen the life of the AAA batteries as you can shut them off when you want to stop listening.

You will have to be at the receiver to turn it off.

Now for the two most important factors for wireless headphones: the sound and how well the wireless works.

The headphones have great quality. I continuously changed the EQ on the stereo to which I had attached the transmitter without the headphone's speakers getting distorted. I was also able to turn the volume up to maximum comfortable listening volume (which for me is quite high) without causing any distortion of crackling in the speakers. And our music in the studio was sounding precisely how we wanted it to come off.

And as far as the wireless goes it seemed to do at least everything that the product's page stated that they would. I set it up and listened to my stereo in the bathroom. And then I proceded to walk outside which allowed me to test many other factors.

1) My building's walls are 2 feet of solid concrete and there was no disruption of service.

2) It was a very blustery day with high winds and the wind did not cause problems with the service.

3) I walked under powerlines which can cause disruption in many devices as well as around stereos using antennas without causing any problems with the wireless system.

4) I didn't measure the exact distance I had walked before the signal turned to static but I would have to measure it at over 100 feet.

It seems that the best way to use this system is to turn up the volume on the source (in my case the shelf stereo system) at least the a level that you can comfortably listen to. This allows you to manipulate the volume wheel on the headphones to get a volume level that you like while away from the source. You don't have to worry about turning the headphone's volume all the way up and whatever you are listening to being loud enough.

The 2 pack also includes the necessary cables to connect the transmitter to whatever you want to hear from a distance. The initial jack is a 1/8" connector which is used largely in mp3 players, portable cd players and most handheld video game systems. The set also includes a 1/4" jack which is great for plugging into guitar effects pedals or amp (yes, I did this) and older stereos may have a 1/4" input.

This set was extremely useful in that it allowed me to be further away from the recording rig without having a headphone cable getting into the way of my guitar.

The headphones use signal lock to automatically receive the transmitter's signal.

Now after all that I, personally, would expect to pay a pretty penny. Comfortable headphones, low power draw (I am using a 9-volt battery and AAAs from a dollar store and they are still going strong!), great range and superb sound. But I purchased this set in a Big Lots store for the amazing price of $14.99! Which is less than comparable standard/wired headphones!

Buy this item!

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All reviews will report whether an actual product has been handled for review or if the review is based on online research. All online research consists of company specs, consumer reports and customer feedback. If a review is originally made using research only and I am later able to procure the item myself the review will be edited with any necessary information/opinion changes and a comparison of what you may be lead to believe versus what was actually experienced.

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This policy is valid from 10 November 2008

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