November 10, 2008

About This Service

This service is dedicated to providing accurate and truthful reviews of various products/services/sites/etc relating to technology. After the view links will be offered to allow any interested viewers the opportunity to purchase what is being reviewed.

All reviews will report whether an actual product has been handled for review or if the review is based on online research. All online research consists of company specs, consumer reports and customer feedback. If a review is originally made using research only and I am later able to procure the item myself the review will be edited with any necessary information/opinion changes and a comparison of what you may be lead to believe versus what was actually experienced.

For more information on these topics as well as sponsorship please read the Full Service Disclosure

My goal is to provide information to those consumers that may be debating between different brands of a specific item or may be starting from scratch. Simply use the categories to the right to find what you are looking for. If you do not see a particular type of item, please look in other possible categories. In many instances products/services may be cross-referenced such as 'stereo headphones' could be found under the Audio category and the Hi-Fi category. This is done in an attempt to make all items as easy to find as is possible.

Lastly, please feel free to comment on reviews. Whether the review is based on research or hands-on experience...not everyone will agree to the same things. Your comments can help round out the reviews throughout this service and make them even more useful. All help is greatly appreciated!

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